Jade feathers, dream creature: an old Mayan legend

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Pretty, small and gluttonous (Hummingbirds can drink up to twice their body weight in nectar every day), the hummingbirds gain love because of their qualities. How can you not admire them? They are light, colorful and so fine, that almost are unnoticed among flowers. Since pre-Hispanic times, we Mexicans, have released our creativity about them; even there is an ancient Mayan legend that tells why these creatures live between us and why they are so loved by gods. We tell you here!

A flying hummingbird

The ancient Mayans used to say gods created everything over the Earth, and when they did it, they gave a mission to each animal, tree and stone. When they finished, they realized that no one was in charge of convey their wishes and thoughts from one place to other. As they no longer had mud or corn to sculpt another creature, they took a jade stone and made a very small and thin arrow with it. The gods blew over the figure and it started lo fly. The gods created a hummingbird and it was alive!

Art: @ihuitl.mexico on Instagram

The human wickedness

The tiny bird flew then, messenger of dreams and desires of both human beings and divinities. Its feathers were so fragile and light that they could get near the flowers without move any petal. The hummingbird shined as diamonds under the sun, reflecting all the colors kin the world… so, in this precise moment, the human wickedness awoke. They tried to catch the hummingbird to adorn themselves with its feathers, but when the gods saw them, got angry, so they decreed that if someone dared to catch a hummingbird, he or she would be punished. That’s why hummingbirds can not stay into jails, they cannot be captive; they were born for freedom.

Nowadays, however, in some popular markets in Mexico, exists the dark costume of dissect these small birds, to make special amulets that tenants say “have the power of bring love”. This sad custom turns them into endangered animals.

A huge heart

If you really want to bring good feelings to your life, killing is not the solution. In fact, the old legend said that if a hummingbird appeared to you suddenly, it’s because it takes a love message for you, from someone that is thinking about you! Including people from the hereafter. If a small bird of these comes to you, try to think just in positive things. The hummingbird will take your good wishes to your beloved ones.

Hummingbirds have a huge heart; science says that it is because of the great activity they have along life, so they need a fast blood pumping. However, Mayans believed in something else!

What do you think? Did you know this legend?


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